Thursday, June 07, 2007

World Environment Day

Climate change is the theme for World Environment Day on June 5. In 2007 we'll be challenging everyone to ask themselves...
What's the number one thing you are doing to help tackle climate change?
What one extra thing could you do to help tackle climate change?
What's stopping you?
If you're interested in getting involved - visit the Mend of the World website

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Climate Change

Click on the picture above to learn more about climate change.

Weather Games

Year 7, as you are working towards the end of your unit of work on weather. I have found a few websites that will help you to learn about weather, but hopefully with a bit of added fun as well!

All of the websites below contain games that are based around your weather topic. Enjoy playing the games, and learn about the weather at the same time.