Wednesday, March 21, 2007

As Dynamics Of Change - Physical Section (Paper 1)

Here is what the specification states you should know:

(Physical Geography: selected physical processes, their interactions
and outcomes over space and time.)
All sections of 10.1 should be studied in relation to drainage basins in
the British Isles.

Weather changes associated with the passage of a depression.

Anticyclonic weather conditions in winter and summer.

Features of a drainage basin system:
• base flow;
• interception;
• infiltration;
• throughflow;
• run-off.

The storm hydrograph.

The effects of human activity on the storm hydrograph.

Geomorphological variations within drainage basins:
• erosion, transport, and deposition;
• how these are related to changes in discharge;
• channel morphology;
• variations in valley long profile: graded profile knick points,
• downstream variations in valley cross profile;
• landforms associated with erosion and deposition.

Here is the link to notes relating to the a drainage basin. REMEMBER though, you need to supplement these notes with your own reading.

The Changing Location of Manufacturing Industry

Here is what you should know:

Manufacturing industry as a system. Question will be limited to:
− inputs, processes and outputs;
− the influence of site, raw materials, fuel supplies, labour supply, transport, markets and government policy on industrial location.

A case study of a chemical industry on a river estuary to illustrate
the nature and location of a heavy industry.
• Modern, footloose industry (information and communication
technology (ICT) and micro-electronics) along the M4 corridor to
illustrate the influence of transport, skilled labour, research centres
and greenfield sites on location.

Please see attached if you have any notes missing.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Year 9 Italy Presentation

Please use this presentation and also the work sheet you have been given. You should know what region your group has been given and what topic you need to research and prepare.

Exam Dates A Level

AS Level

Geography Unit 1,2& 3: 25th May 2007 (Afternoon)


Geography Unit 4 & 5: 12th June 2007 (Afternoon)
Geography Unit 6: 15th June 2007 (Morning)

Exam Dates - Year 11 GCSE

Paper 1 4th June 2007 Morning
Paper 2 11th June 2007 Afternoon

Monday, March 19, 2007

Amazonia: Development in the Rainforest

You will have just completed this unit of work and should be aware the the folloing points. If you have missed any lessons or notes see the attached file.

• The location of Amazonia
• Description and simple explanation of the climate, including the
formation of convection rainfall.
• The relationship between climate, soil and vegetation in the
rainforest ecosystem.
• Traditional shifting cultivation, modern farming, timber
exploitation and mining, showing the impact of each of these on
the environment. A consideration of the possibility of sustainable
development in the context of these case studies. The role of
international aid donors in encouraging sustainable development.
• The development of eco-tourism. A consideration of the
contribution eco-tourism could make to sustainable development.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

"Bringing Liverpool Alive"

As Liverpool celebrates its 800th birthday this year, pupils in Year 7 have been learning about Liverpool and how it has developed over the past 800 years. The school’s Geography Department has arranged for a drama company called The Story of Liverpool, to work with year 7 pupils to develop this further. This will take place on Wednesday 21st March.
The performance will be filmed by HANDSTAND Film Company and will be used, along with other work from schools within Liverpool to create a DVD to celebrate Liverpool’s 800th birthday entitled the Coming of aAge Project “Bringing Liverpool Alive”.

Have a look at the following website, try the fun quiz and see how much you know about your city.