Tuesday, September 18, 2007

No Lesson Thursday 20th September

Hi All,

Sorry that there will be no lesson on Thursday. Below is some tasks that I would like you to complete. Can you please send me your name via the comments section so I know that you have read this message.

See you all on Monday, don't forget to bring your work with you.

1 Read Midpoint Look at the Millennium Development Goals Along with this have a look around this site, it has some good bits of information.

2 Read Global Monitoring Report 2007

3 Read Sing after me: do they know it’s genocide? An article from the Sunday Times.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Research Task

Here is the spread sheet to complete on the places that we will be studying this year.

The CIA factbook will help you with this activity.

This needs to be fully completed for Thursdays lesson