Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Bangladesh Cyclone


A severe cyclone in Bangladesh has claimed more than two thousand lives. More than 15,000 people have been injured and thousands more are still missing.

Cyclone Sidr, which hit on 15 November, triggered a tidal surge that devastated three coastal towns and forced the evacuation of almost a million people.

During the storm, 500,000 homes were ripped apart and huge tracts of farmland have been flooded or severely damaged.

An estimated 2.7 million people have been affected across 25 districts.
Much of the country’s electricity and communications infrastructure remains down, further impeding the response operation.

Click here for more information.

Cyclone - Tropical Storms

Tropical Storms are also known as Hurricanes (Atlantic), Tropical Cyclones (South East Asia), Willy Willies (Australia) and Typhoons (Pacific). Bangladesh has just experienced a Cyclone. Click here to learn more about a cyclone.