Monday, July 07, 2008

Geography Matters

Some of the reasons why Geography is so important to us all.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Can city dwellers be more self-sufficient?

We may dream of quitting the rat race and moving to the countryside, but the reality is that we are overwhelmingly an urban population. In the UK more than 80 per cent of us live in urban areas. Globally, it's the same story, with the UN estimating that, by the end of this year, more than half the world's population will be living in towns and cities.
Click here to read more

Monday, June 02, 2008


Some lads have asked for a list of what topics we have studied, here is a basic list. You can though access the full specification at the following address

Paper 1

  1. Farming Food and the Environment
  2. Electricity Generation for the
  3. River Basins and their
  4. Tourism in a Glacial
    Environment: The Lake
    District National Park
  5. The Changing Location of
    Manufacturing Industry
  6. Understanding the Modern
    Urban Environment

Paper 2

  1. Rich and Poor Regions in the
    European Union
  2. Development of the European
    Urban Core
  3. Farming in Southern Italy:
    Problems and Development on
    the Periphery
  4. Tourism in Mediterranean Spain:
    Development on the Periphery
    and the Results of this
  5. Amazonia: Development in
    the Rainforest Environment
  6. The Ganges Delta: Dense
    Population in a High Risk
  7. Aid, Investment and
    International Development
  8. Population Growth and
  9. Japan: Urbanisation and
    Industrialisation in a
    Resource-Poor Environment
  10. Global Warming: Its Causes
    and Consequences

The links are ONLY a suggestion, you should try and use your class notes as much as possible.

Any questions, please get in touch.

Geography Audio Topics

BBC Bitesize offer MP3 files that you can download to help you with your revision.

REMEMBER we do not study some of the topics covered on this site.

First photos of uncontacted tribe

Painted warriors from one of Brazil's last uncontacted tribes have been photographed for the first time.

They were spotted in Brazil's far western Amazon jungle near the Peruvian border.

The photos were taken on flights over the Ethno-Environmental Protected Area along the Envira River in the remote Acre state, the National Indian Foundation or Funai said.

The photos show "strong and healthy" warriors, six huts and a large planted area. But it is not known to which tribe they belong.

"Four distinct isolated peoples exist in this region, whom we have accompanied for 20 years," Funai expert Jose Carlos Meirelles JĂșnior said.

Funai does not make contact with the Indians and prevents invasions of their land, to ensure total autonomy for the isolated tribes, Funai said.

"We did the overflight to show [the tribe's] houses, to show they are there, to show they exist," said Mr Meirelles.

"This is very important because there are some who doubt their existence."

UK based charity Survival International said the Indians are in danger from illegal logging in Peru.

This is driving uncontacted tribes over the border and could lead to conflict with the estimated 500 uncontacted Indians now living on the Brazilian side.

There are more than 100 uncontacted tribes worldwide, most of them in Brazil and Peru, the group said.

Survival director Stephen Corry called for their territory to be protected by international law.

China struggles to enforce ban on plastic bags

The Government has prohibited the ultra-thin bags of 0.025 mm in thickness that are ubiquitous when buying such foods as takeaway dumplings

Jane Macartney in Beijing
Strolling along a Beijing street, a young couple paused to buy a bag of fried pork dumplings. The stallholder picked up half a dozen in the filmiest of plastic bags, rolled a couple of steamed buns into another and popped the lot into yet another plastic bag.

It would be hard to tell that new nationwide limits on such packaging took effect on Sunday.

China is almost suffocating under plastic bags. Its 1.3 billion people use three billion bags every day. That’s about 1.6 million tonnes of the items each year, and the Government wants to reduce that to 1.1 million tonnes.

Increasingly aware of the rapid and widespread degradation of the environment in China’s headlong race to industrialisation and modernisation, Beijing is trying to reverse the damage.

Click here to read more

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Burmese children 'facing death'

Thousands of children in cyclone-hit Burma will starve to death within weeks unless food reaches them soon, UK charity Save the Children has warned.

The charity said 30,000 under-fives in the Irrawaddy Delta were malnourished before Cyclone Nargis hit on 2 May.

It says energy-rich food now needs to reach them "before it is too late".

Click here to read more