Thursday, December 06, 2007

Early Flood Warnings

Thousands of people whose homes were flooded last summer were not warned early enough, a report has said.
The Environment Agency makes 33 recommendations and concludes it responded well to the emergency.

But it adds that 35,000 homes and businesses were not covered by an early warning system and that more money should be spent on urban drainage.

The worst of the floods - estimated to have cost £3bn - hit Yorkshire, Gloucestershire and Worcestershire.

Click here to continue reading more

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Oxfam Christmas Gifts

Click here to check out Oxfam unwrapped.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Bangladesh Cyclone


A severe cyclone in Bangladesh has claimed more than two thousand lives. More than 15,000 people have been injured and thousands more are still missing.

Cyclone Sidr, which hit on 15 November, triggered a tidal surge that devastated three coastal towns and forced the evacuation of almost a million people.

During the storm, 500,000 homes were ripped apart and huge tracts of farmland have been flooded or severely damaged.

An estimated 2.7 million people have been affected across 25 districts.
Much of the country’s electricity and communications infrastructure remains down, further impeding the response operation.

Click here for more information.

Cyclone - Tropical Storms

Tropical Storms are also known as Hurricanes (Atlantic), Tropical Cyclones (South East Asia), Willy Willies (Australia) and Typhoons (Pacific). Bangladesh has just experienced a Cyclone. Click here to learn more about a cyclone.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Ecological Footprint

Click here to measure your ecological footprint.

How many planets would we need to support your consumption?

Monday, October 29, 2007

Lights out Liverpool


Liverpool is going to show the world it's easy to save the planet if everyone does their bit.

The city's most famous landmarks are set to turn off the lights for one hour, plunging the skyline into darkness to promote energy efficiency. We also need you to do your bit by switching off all nonessential lighting and electrical equipment.

Iconic buildings already supporting us include: Liver Buildings, The Port Of Liverpool Building, The Pump House, Malmaison, The Thistle Hotel and The Crowne Plaza.

Click here for more information

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Longshore Drift

Renewable Energy

This podcast is about E.ON's commitment to renewable energy in the UK.

The Scottish Minister for the Environment talks about the development of Steven's Croft, biomass project
Martin Roberts, Project Manager of Stags Holt wind farm talks about the project. Also there is a discussion about the Information Centre for our off-shore wind farm at Scroby Sands.

Click here to explore the energy journey. (This will allow you to supplement your notes on both renewable and non-renewable resources.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Please click here to gain more information about constructive and destructive waves. Also this website has some information.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

A2 Geography - Web Based lesson

Monday's lesson will invlove some internet research. We have covered the majority of the vegetation succession element of the unit now. After a small time in the classroom we will undertake some internet based research. This will allow you some time to develop your notes further.

Here is the worksheet that you will need to follow.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Mo Ibrahim

The above link will take you to the Mo Ibrahim foundation. The Mo Ibrahim Foundation is an African initiative that has been established to:

Stimulate debate on good governance across sub-Saharan Africa and the world
Provide objective criteria by which citizens can hold their Governments to account
Recognise achievement in African leadership and provide a practical way in which African leaders can build positive legacies on the continent when they have left office

Sustainable development

Sustainable development is defined as development that meets the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

we will discuss this during today's lesson. Your task for Monday's lesson is to research a sustainable development project. You need to find out where it is being undertaken, why, and how.

Any questions, use the comments section to ask.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

No Lesson Thursday 20th September

Hi All,

Sorry that there will be no lesson on Thursday. Below is some tasks that I would like you to complete. Can you please send me your name via the comments section so I know that you have read this message.

See you all on Monday, don't forget to bring your work with you.

1 Read Midpoint Look at the Millennium Development Goals Along with this have a look around this site, it has some good bits of information.

2 Read Global Monitoring Report 2007

3 Read Sing after me: do they know it’s genocide? An article from the Sunday Times.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Research Task

Here is the spread sheet to complete on the places that we will be studying this year.

The CIA factbook will help you with this activity.

This needs to be fully completed for Thursdays lesson

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Changing Vetetation and soils in the British Isles

Please click here to view notes on the next unit of work.

These notes cover the following:

Vegetation successions and climax vegetation (i.e., temperate deciduous woodland); a lithosere.

Recent evidence used to identify changes in vegetation.

The effects of human activities on vegetation successions.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

As Coastal option

Here are the notes for the coastal option of the AS course. There will be additional notes, diagrams etc each week.

World Development - Reading

Please click here to access the Human Development Report.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Year 10 Homework - Farming, food & the environment

Please read the attached file. When you have read it, you need to send me your name by posting a comment (Just your name will be fine)

Click HERE to read file.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

GCSE Coursework

Here are the photos taken from the fieldwork on Friday.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Development Indicators –

These allow us as geographers to analysis a country and assess if that country is developed or is classed as a developing country.

Watch the video and list how many indicators you can see. Also listen to the words of the song.

(NB: The film may not run in school, due to the origin of the file)

Monday, June 18, 2007

Geography - How much do you care?

A recent survey by the National Geographic suggests that 1 in 5 children in the UK can not locate their own country. Do you have a passion for Geography

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Weather Wreaks Havoc - Year 7 Flooding

Heavy flooding is continuing to cause chaos after parts of Britain were drenched with a month's worth of rain in a single day.
Dozens of people have been trapped, homes flooded and cars stranded after torrential downpours saw up to 7cm of rain fall in 24 hours.
In Sutton Coldfield, 42 workers have now been freed after they were stuck inside a factory when the River Tame burst its banks.
Floodwaters were nearly two metres deep in places.
A search is under way for a 17-year-old soldier, who was swept away in Catterick, North Yorkshire.
Three soldiers fell into Risedale Beck on Hipswell Moor, near Catterick Garrison.

Two were rescued, but soldiers, police, mountain rescue teams and an RAF helicopter are involved in the hunt for the third soldier.
In Sheffield, rain storms forced schools to close and a nursing home to be evacuated.
A 14-year-old boy was rescued from a swollen stream in the Chapeltown area of Sheffield.
Further north in York, 2.5cm of rain fell in just six hours.
And in Durham, torrential downpours meant that the first day of the fourth Test between England and the West Indies was a wash out.

The Environment Agency has had more than 40 flood warnings in place for Norfolk, Suffolk, Yorkshire and Cambridgeshire.
Bingley, near Bradford in West Yorkshire, was a particularly wet spot, after being deluged with 7.1cm of rain in 24 hours.

Click here to view video footage of the floods.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Year 7 Homework

Your homework this week is to watch the small film about the flooding in Belfast.

Click on the link and select open.


Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Belfast Floods

A major clean-up operation was beginning today after torrential rain and widespread flooding caused havoc for residents, motorists and businesses across the province.
Within the space of just 30 minutes yesterday the Fire and Rescue Service responded to more than 200 emergency calls as many parts of Belfast were flooded.

Click here to read more about the floods.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

World Environment Day

Climate change is the theme for World Environment Day on June 5. In 2007 we'll be challenging everyone to ask themselves...
What's the number one thing you are doing to help tackle climate change?
What one extra thing could you do to help tackle climate change?
What's stopping you?
If you're interested in getting involved - visit the Mend of the World website

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Climate Change

Click on the picture above to learn more about climate change.

Weather Games

Year 7, as you are working towards the end of your unit of work on weather. I have found a few websites that will help you to learn about weather, but hopefully with a bit of added fun as well!

All of the websites below contain games that are based around your weather topic. Enjoy playing the games, and learn about the weather at the same time.

Monday, May 07, 2007

The Lake District National Park CONFLICT

The impact of tourism in the Lake District on farming, house
prices, traffic and employment

The pressure of tourism, the need for conservation of the
landscape and the conflicts of interest caused, with reference to
footpath erosion and the development of “honey pot” sites, to
include a case study of one honey pot site.
Click here for additional notes.

Tourism in a Glacial Environment: The Lake District National Park

During this unit of work you should be able to describe and explain the major glacial landscape features of the Lake District: upland glaciation, including the processes of frost shattering, plucking and abrasion, leading to the formation of corries, arêtes, glacial troughs, and ribbon lakes.

Click here for notes and diagrams to help support your notes.


Moving Here is an extremely powerful and moving resource designed to help explore the experience of migration and settlement in England over the last 200 years. Click on and have a look!

Monday, April 30, 2007

Create your own blog site

Hi all,

As promised from today's staff meeting, please follow the link for the guide on how to create your own blog site.
Thanks to John Barlow at Archbishop Blanch for his notes!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Earthquake Shakes Southern England

An earthquake measuring 4.3 hit the south of England on Saturday 28th April.
Use the link below to read more,,70131-1263216,00.html

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Long term climatic change

Here are the notes discussing long term climatic change. You should be aware of the following:

  • Major climatic fluctuations in temperature and precipitation in the British Isles since the Pleistocene Ice Age.
  • Evidence for climate change.
  • Recent global warming and its possible effects on the British Isles.

Japan Notes

Please find notes that cover your last topic on Japan.
If you need any help please leave a comment. Also remember that there is after school revision on wednesdays.

An island made by global warming

Have a look at this article

Monday, April 23, 2007

Post your comments

Hi all,

Please use this site to post your comments about geography topics. For example you may need help with a question or your revision. Post your question/comment and I'll reply, hopefully with the correct answer!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Interesting news article

Have a look at this news article.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

GCSE Revision Lessons - Everyone Welcome!

Every Wednesday members of staff from the Geography Department will be holding revision lessons after school. These will take place in the Humanities mobiles in Bankfield.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Year 12 Gemorphological variations in a drainage basin

Here are the slides from todays lesson.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

As Dynamics Of Change - Physical Section (Paper 1)

Here is what the specification states you should know:

(Physical Geography: selected physical processes, their interactions
and outcomes over space and time.)
All sections of 10.1 should be studied in relation to drainage basins in
the British Isles.

Weather changes associated with the passage of a depression.

Anticyclonic weather conditions in winter and summer.

Features of a drainage basin system:
• base flow;
• interception;
• infiltration;
• throughflow;
• run-off.

The storm hydrograph.

The effects of human activity on the storm hydrograph.

Geomorphological variations within drainage basins:
• erosion, transport, and deposition;
• how these are related to changes in discharge;
• channel morphology;
• variations in valley long profile: graded profile knick points,
• downstream variations in valley cross profile;
• landforms associated with erosion and deposition.

Here is the link to notes relating to the a drainage basin. REMEMBER though, you need to supplement these notes with your own reading.

The Changing Location of Manufacturing Industry

Here is what you should know:

Manufacturing industry as a system. Question will be limited to:
− inputs, processes and outputs;
− the influence of site, raw materials, fuel supplies, labour supply, transport, markets and government policy on industrial location.

A case study of a chemical industry on a river estuary to illustrate
the nature and location of a heavy industry.
• Modern, footloose industry (information and communication
technology (ICT) and micro-electronics) along the M4 corridor to
illustrate the influence of transport, skilled labour, research centres
and greenfield sites on location.

Please see attached if you have any notes missing.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Year 9 Italy Presentation

Please use this presentation and also the work sheet you have been given. You should know what region your group has been given and what topic you need to research and prepare.

Exam Dates A Level

AS Level

Geography Unit 1,2& 3: 25th May 2007 (Afternoon)


Geography Unit 4 & 5: 12th June 2007 (Afternoon)
Geography Unit 6: 15th June 2007 (Morning)

Exam Dates - Year 11 GCSE

Paper 1 4th June 2007 Morning
Paper 2 11th June 2007 Afternoon

Monday, March 19, 2007

Amazonia: Development in the Rainforest

You will have just completed this unit of work and should be aware the the folloing points. If you have missed any lessons or notes see the attached file.

• The location of Amazonia
• Description and simple explanation of the climate, including the
formation of convection rainfall.
• The relationship between climate, soil and vegetation in the
rainforest ecosystem.
• Traditional shifting cultivation, modern farming, timber
exploitation and mining, showing the impact of each of these on
the environment. A consideration of the possibility of sustainable
development in the context of these case studies. The role of
international aid donors in encouraging sustainable development.
• The development of eco-tourism. A consideration of the
contribution eco-tourism could make to sustainable development.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

"Bringing Liverpool Alive"

As Liverpool celebrates its 800th birthday this year, pupils in Year 7 have been learning about Liverpool and how it has developed over the past 800 years. The school’s Geography Department has arranged for a drama company called The Story of Liverpool, to work with year 7 pupils to develop this further. This will take place on Wednesday 21st March.
The performance will be filmed by HANDSTAND Film Company and will be used, along with other work from schools within Liverpool to create a DVD to celebrate Liverpool’s 800th birthday entitled the Coming of aAge Project “Bringing Liverpool Alive”.

Have a look at the following website, try the fun quiz and see how much you know about your city.

Thursday, March 15, 2007


Welcome to our website, you will be able to keep up to date with the latest news and some of the exciting projects that we will be working on throughout the year. You will also be able to complete homeworks, look at Geography in the news, get notes and revison help.