Wednesday, March 21, 2007

As Dynamics Of Change - Physical Section (Paper 1)

Here is what the specification states you should know:

(Physical Geography: selected physical processes, their interactions
and outcomes over space and time.)
All sections of 10.1 should be studied in relation to drainage basins in
the British Isles.

Weather changes associated with the passage of a depression.

Anticyclonic weather conditions in winter and summer.

Features of a drainage basin system:
• base flow;
• interception;
• infiltration;
• throughflow;
• run-off.

The storm hydrograph.

The effects of human activity on the storm hydrograph.

Geomorphological variations within drainage basins:
• erosion, transport, and deposition;
• how these are related to changes in discharge;
• channel morphology;
• variations in valley long profile: graded profile knick points,
• downstream variations in valley cross profile;
• landforms associated with erosion and deposition.

Here is the link to notes relating to the a drainage basin. REMEMBER though, you need to supplement these notes with your own reading.

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